Friday, September 10, 2010

Fan club Iron Maiden Brasov

Inca de mic am fost fascinat de muzica rock. Nu pot sa zic ca imi placea, dar o ascultam cu placere si nu ziceam niciodata nu unor melodii ale unor trupe consacrate. Iron Maiden face parte din trupele legendare care au dat dovada de profesionalism si dedicare intru suflet in muzica. Tocmai de aceea ii admir.

Bunul meu amic Razvan, probabil cel mai infocat fan Bruce Dickinson & Co (Iron Maiden) din Romania, a creat recent un fan club pentru fanii din Brasov ai acestei trupe minunate.

Deocamdata exista un site pe care va invit sa-l vizitati si sa-l popularizati atat cat puteti. Se vor organiza intalniri periodice, bineinteles stropite cu bere din belsug, muzica si atmosfera de exceptie. Nu conteaza varsta, muzica nu face diferentieri intre batrani si tineri. Sa fie doar rock.

Si ca sa citez de pe site:

Iron Maiden’s gonna get you, no matter how far!

Since I was a kid I’ve always been fascinated by rock music. I can’t say I liked it, but I was enjoying it and I never said no to some well-known songs from big bands. Iron Maiden is a legendary band which was professional from the very beginning and its members dedicated their entire lives to music. That’s why I admire them.

My good fellow Razvan, probably the maddest Bruce Dickinson & Co romanian fan, recently created a fan club for the crazy fucks from Brasov who love Iron Maiden to their bones.

For the moment, there is a site which I Invite you to visit and spread the link everywhere you can. There will be regular meetings, filled with good beer, good music and craziness. No matter how old you are, the older the better. There is only rock!

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